Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chris Daniels & David Abel

Tuesday, March 10 at 7:30 pm

Chris Daniels son of the well-known language-artist maestro David Daniels, was born in New York City in 1956. He dropped out of high school and never went to college. He lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is working on a gigantic anthology of Lusophone poets in English translation.On the Shining Screen of the Eyelids, his translation of Brazilian poet Josely Vianna Baptista, was published by Manifest Press in 2003. Shearsman Books in the UK are in the process of publishing three volumes of his translations of Fernando Pessoa: The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro appeared in 2007, and The Collected Poems of Álvaro de Campos Vol. 2 is nearing completion. His long poem/manifesto porous nomadic (or, para encontrar o acontecimento impalávrel:) appeared recently in a special section of Crayon 5, "on beauty."

David Abel was born in Salt Lake City in 1956. He attended several colleges without attaining an undergraduate degree, but returned for an interdisciplinary graduate degree in the initial, confused years of the Avery School of the Arts at Bard College in the Hudson River valley. He works as a freelance editor and bookdealer in Portland, Oregon, where he is a founding organizer of the Spare Room reading series.Two recent chapbooks, Black Valentine and Twenty-, were published by Chax Press (2006) and Crane's Bill Books (2007), respectively. He is the author of numerous artist's books and objects, created in collaboration with Katherine Kuehn, Anna Daedalus, and others, and performs often in intermedia works of his own and others' devising -- most recently the Demagnetic Cabaret; the Sixth Annual Richard Foreman Mini-Festival; and The New Talkies: Portland-San Francisco Neo-Benshi Cabaret.

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